Monday, June 14, 2010

May 2010

5.5.10- Landon's first cinco de mayo, he spent this whole day running around with his daddy, maybe next year we will be able to make it to the fair!

5.7.10- Landon stood on his hands and knees for the first time today!

5.9.10-Julie's very first mothers day!!!

5.10.10- Landon can roll over both ways!!!

5.13.10- Landon learns how to scoot to different places around the floor.he even moves into a full circle.

5.15.10- Landon learns how to get from his knees to his feet, but doesn't quits pick his arms up, he just presses his face into the floor.

5.19.10- Landon is 6 months old!!! He weighs 19.11oz and he is 27.6 inches long. His pediatrician says he is very tall for his age.

5.26.10- Bought Landon his new carseat today!!! Now the Andies have the same carseat!!!

5.29.10- Landon Learns to scoot in a circle.

April 2010

4.3.10- Landon rolls over all by himself. Glad he was on the floor and not on the

4.4.10- Landon's first Easter, he didn't do much searching for Easter eggs, but we went to have his pictures taken. He also rolled over for the first time today!

4.10.10- We learn Landon is allergic to Juice, he broke out in hives and his lips swelled up. He was also breathing heavy. This was also the first time Landon was taken to the Emergency Room.(he weighed 17lbs and 8oz)

4.11.10- Landon's voice and cry change, hes getting his baby voice in. Landon has 3 bites of his cereal for the first time!

4.17.10- Landon learns to completely stand with our help. he puts all his weight on his legs now!

4.19.10- Landon mumbles mamama whenever he wants my attention. ♥

4.21.10- Landon starts using a sippy cup.(Surprisingly, he likes it. Looks like it will be an easy transition. :) )
4.26.10- Landon mumbles da da da to his daddy. ♥
- I back into a car that I couldn't see. FIRST accident in 7 years!!!

4.30.10- Landon eats his first full Jr of baby food!

March 2010

Landon has become more playful. this month he started grabbing our hands and put them in his mouth. He is starting to like tummy-time more than he did before.

He had his 4 month check-up this month. he weighs 17lbs and he is 25 1/2 inches long, in the 96th percentile.

Landon found his voice, he is now doing the baby babble thing, he likes to "sing along" to the bedrock song. He also chooses his hand over the pacifier.

He has almost gotten the "rolling over on his own" down, he is able to turn to the side. I am sure he will have it all figured out by next month.

Spring Break 2010

My gosh! This night was So much FUN!!!

I went to Dirty with Blaine, Annie, Ricky bobby, Sabrina, and Juli.

Ricky Bobby bought Sabrina, Juli and me shots...Sabrina was too drunk and the bouncers wouldn't let her back in the club....Juli, Sabrina, Ricki bobby and me attempted to walk to gypsy from dirty, but then I needed to use the bathroom, so I went into some random punk rock place....when I came out I lost everyone, so then I went back to dirty to meet up with Annie and Blaine!

Sabrina went off and had her own can ask her about her adventure with pizza and stuff...lmao

Juli was pretty cool, it was my first time meeting her, and her first time at the club, so Sabrina and I had to show her what was up. ;)

Feburary 2010

Landon has become more active, he moves like a little wiggle worm. We call him Mr. happyfeet!

Feb 22-Today is actually both my little brother and Bryan's little brothers birthday! Happy birthday CC and Bryce!

Nothing to surprising has happened lately, I have been hanging out and talking to Sabrina alot, never really thought I would actually be as close as I am to her. Its weird though, cause I hang out with her more than I do my best friends, Katelyn and Diana. :( sad. Maybe Sabrina will eventually end up being one of my BFF'

Sabrina and me are supposed to go to the park with the kids, and then workout, I look forward to it. Working on getting our bikini bodies ready for the Summer! Yay!

January 2010

Landons hair began to fall out, cause his permanent hair is coming in.

As this new year begins, I think about how much I have accomplished over just this past year. I have loved, I have lost, but most importantly I have learned a lesson about love and how sometimes we make bad decisions only to make ourselves realize what we would be loosing if we didn't go back to where or who we belong in the first place.

Bryan and I have finally begun our family we have always spoken to each other about having since we were 17! We had our First born son, Bryan Landon Bush Jr on Novemer 19, 2009. We are hoping to have another baby this 2010 year! Yup, another planned pregnancy coming soon!!!! I am hoping for another boy, so Landon has someone to play with. And Bryan is hoping for a girl!!! Bryan will probably predict this one too, like he did with Landon. hehehe

I am really looking forward to beginning this new year because everything will be Landon's FIRST, such as first Valentines day, st. patty's day, first Cinco De Mayo, you get the point! Lol. Its a new year that we will be starting as a real family and not just a family with just Bryan and me. What I look forward the most to is starting new Bush Family Traditions! :) Boy oh boy and I am excited!

Also school starts this spring term!!!! OMG I cant wait! I guess I am about to see how well I can juggle being a mommy and going to school, possibly all while being pregnant! Ahhhh...Let the fun begin!

All in all I LOVE how my life is going and I am grateful to have the friends and family I have in my life, cause without them, I would not be the person I am today!

December 2009

Landon started coo'ing and looking at our faces, he also has began smiling when we talk to him.

So Bryan and I were walking around the mall the other day and he started talking about how nice it would be for Landon to be around the same age as his siblings, then he asked me if I was ready to have another one! He caught me by surprise, because for the longest time he was saying that he just wanted Landon right now, and we could talk about having another one in a few years... I am still thinking about weather or not I am ready, I mean yes I am going to continue to go to school for another 3 to 4 years and right now would be a good time to have our kids, just because the profession I am going into is Probational/SWAT officer or FBI agent so I think it would look pretty ridiculous to watch a pregnant woman do home visits and kick down people doors. hahaha.

I have already spoken to some friends about it and while some think its the best idea ever!... others think that its not. But in the end, its really up to my menstrual cycle and gods decision...LMAO I mean my decision!
So I think I am going to think about this one for a bit before I decide.

Julie & Bryan in 2009

“Consummate love” is when intimacy, passion, and commitment, feelings of warmth, understanding, communication, as well as support and commitment all exist in a relationship.

Bryan, my husband would fit this description perfectly. Beginning 6 years ago, when I first met him, up until now, he has always been able to give me that warmth. It would be better described as a “spark”. Even to this day, being married to him and seeing him every day, I still get those “butterflies” in my tummy when I hear him pull up in the driveway, or when I see his name, “the hubby” pull up on my caller ID. Even when he kisses me or tells me he loves me, I get that feeling of pure happiness.

Misunderstanding and miscommunication are the largest reasons for divorce, so we try to work on this one the most. Yes I would say we do have great understanding on most cases, but the communication has been the hardest, I can tell Bryan is working very hard on learning to communicate with me, but sometimes he just makes excuses as to why he couldn't be somewhere at a certain time.

Our First Born Baby Boy...

Was Born November 19th 2009 at 2:40am (The day after Bryan's birthday).
He weighed 9.8lbs and was 21 inches long.

Today I had an appointment with my OBGYN, Bryan came along like he always did for every appointment. My OB checked my cervix and saw that I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. She asked how far along I was and Bryan said, "she is 4 days overdue" she then asked us "do you want to have your son tonight?" Bryan replied, "that would be awesome!" So the OB stretched me to 6cm, told me was in labor, and to go to the hospital.

At 6pm we arrived at Good Samaritan hospital and checked in. By 6:30pm one of the do cor/nurses came in and broke my water. My gosh that hurt really bad!
I was having painful contractions within 15 minutes of them breaking my water. At around 9ish, my contractions were getting worse and worse, so the antsiest came in and gave me the epidural. I pretty much zoned out after they gave me the epidural and all I remember is Bryan and my mom waking me up everytime I was having a contraction so I could push. I also had the nurse bring me a mirror so I could see what muscles I was using to Eventually I felt them pull him out, and say "my gosh where was this guy hiding? She was small when she came in." Bryan cut the umbilical cord, then Bryan Landon was handed off to the other delivery nurse, which she then handed over to me. The delivery nurse said to the other nurse, "try to get him to cry" cause he was so quiet when he came out, and I guess that's just one of their procedures. I also heard Bryan crying. Those tears of joy he had just melted my heart. (this pretty much all happened while I was

Bryan Landon Bush Jr was born on November 19, 2009 at 2:40am. Today was the best day of Bryan and my life, nothing can describe the feelings we both had. To have this new life look into our eyes as though he already knew we would be apart of his life from that moment on.

Bryan was the first one to change Bryan Landon's Jr.'s diaper. It took him about 7 minutes to change it, but it was the cutest thing ever and we even got it on camera.

A Lesson Learned...

Not so very often, a couple breaks up and has one of those crazy drunken nights where one of them wakes up the next day and not even realize what they have done...Until you get a call from someone saying they are pregnant!!! Well this is sort of like that...

Bryan found out about this "mistake/regret" but was afraid to face reality, so instead, he ran from it and wished, hoped and prayed everyday that it would just go away or "she would somehow fall down the stairs, get hit by a car, or have anything happen so she would just lose it"...too bad things don't work out that easily...

This accident was born April 17th 2009. It wasn't until October 12th 2009 when we went to visit it for the first time. Neither Bryan or I wanted to see it, but we had to try to be civil so she wouldn't try to ask Bryan to pay child support for something he didn't ever want to begin with.(Unfortunately, this didn't quite work out the way we wanted to, apparently child support has to be paid out when the mom is on welfare).

Bryan and I had both spoken about how we were going to confront this problem and we have decided to ignore this ever happened, treat the child support as another one of our bills, and move forward with our happy lives.

As for the child and his mother, the mother agrees with our decision and decided they will live in Louisiana and have a life separate from ours. It's sort of like they never existed to begin with... less drama/confusion for everyone (including the children) Last thing Bryan wants is our children looking at him in a bad way.

Bryan and I don't want our children ever knowing about this mistake Bryan made. We don't want to have this child in our life, cause it just symbolizes dishonesty and carried burdens we both want out of our life. We don't need to be reminded of Bryan's mistake/regret every time we look at it.

I believe this happened for a reason, and I am glad it did, cause this situation has changed Bryan so much! Ever since he realized his mistake, Bryan has become a complete different person, he is more committed to me, a WONDERFUL father and the BEST husband a wife could EVER ask for!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Pregnancy (with Jr)

We found out we were pregnant on March 24th 2009. We were shocked! Even though we planned the pregnancy, we didn't expect this to happen so soon!

At our first doctors visit, we were told we conceived our baby somewhere between February 10th through 14th! and that we would be due anywhere from November 10- the 21st.

As soon as we found out about the pregnancy, we jumped onto the name game. this lasted about 4 months, we came up with different names: Noah, Marilyn, Elijah, Vincent, Bryan, Justice, Ayva, Landon, Jaden, Caleb, and some other names I cant remember off the top of my head.

We always went to all of the doctor appointments together, not missing a single one. We would both get very emotional while we were in these appointments, sometimes even bringing us tears of joy!

I don't think there could have been a better support system!

I know some of you are thinking "its about time they settled down and started a family". Well, we have already gotten married and the day is finally slowly approaching before we are parents!
Bryan Landon Bush Jr will be here soon. I am scared and nervous, but I know that Bryan will be a great dad and I will try to be the best mom I could possibly be.

Having a baby we both agreed on and planned was a wonderful feeling. Bryan couldn't have supported me throughout my pregnancy any better than he did. [From holding my hair when I had morning sickness, to running to the store at 3 am (4 hours before he had to go to work) to get me Gatorade, massaging my back every time it ached, keeping smokers away from me, attending every doctors/ultrasound appointment and much much more.] I am glad I married such a devoted man.

We have experienced alot of our first together, so raising a baby together will be new to both of us. We both couldn't be happier about our mini Bryan being born.

Its weird to think that in just a couple of days, Bryan and I will be mommy and daddy to our first baby.


We have had Linkin since he was 6 weeks old. He was born on October 31st of 2007. He is our bestfriend, and our family would not be complete without him. He is a red-nose Pitbull, and he has the BEST manners ever!

Our wedding December 2008

From the moment we laid eyes on each other, at age 16, we knew that we were meant to be. We had many obstacles that fell into our relationship over the years, but instead of forgetting about one another and choosing different paths, we decided our love was stronger, so we used all of our obstacles as a stepping stone in our relationship. As our friends always say "There is always going to be Julie and Bryan, there will NEVER be just Bryan or just Julie. They were meant to be from the beginning."

I would like to give thanks to all of our friends, who stood behind us 100% and believed in us.