Monday, June 14, 2010

Pregnancy (with Jr)

We found out we were pregnant on March 24th 2009. We were shocked! Even though we planned the pregnancy, we didn't expect this to happen so soon!

At our first doctors visit, we were told we conceived our baby somewhere between February 10th through 14th! and that we would be due anywhere from November 10- the 21st.

As soon as we found out about the pregnancy, we jumped onto the name game. this lasted about 4 months, we came up with different names: Noah, Marilyn, Elijah, Vincent, Bryan, Justice, Ayva, Landon, Jaden, Caleb, and some other names I cant remember off the top of my head.

We always went to all of the doctor appointments together, not missing a single one. We would both get very emotional while we were in these appointments, sometimes even bringing us tears of joy!

I don't think there could have been a better support system!

I know some of you are thinking "its about time they settled down and started a family". Well, we have already gotten married and the day is finally slowly approaching before we are parents!
Bryan Landon Bush Jr will be here soon. I am scared and nervous, but I know that Bryan will be a great dad and I will try to be the best mom I could possibly be.

Having a baby we both agreed on and planned was a wonderful feeling. Bryan couldn't have supported me throughout my pregnancy any better than he did. [From holding my hair when I had morning sickness, to running to the store at 3 am (4 hours before he had to go to work) to get me Gatorade, massaging my back every time it ached, keeping smokers away from me, attending every doctors/ultrasound appointment and much much more.] I am glad I married such a devoted man.

We have experienced alot of our first together, so raising a baby together will be new to both of us. We both couldn't be happier about our mini Bryan being born.

Its weird to think that in just a couple of days, Bryan and I will be mommy and daddy to our first baby.

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